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Hello! I'm Rosa, a production engineering intern at Shopify and
a 3rd year Computer Science student in the Dev Degree program at
Carleton University, Canada.

profile pic

My Work

  • Personal Website

    The website you're on now!

  • Agendify

    calendar-based task tracker

  • Machine learning: Linear regression and logistic regression

    Implemented a linear regression model with L2 and L1 norm to predict on the sonar dataset. Implemented logistic regression to predict on the auto mpg dataset.

  • Machine learning: Binary classification

    Implemented a binary classification in adjoint form and SVM dual form. Utilized kernel functions to adjust the data for better model predictions.

  • Machine learning: Multi-class classification

    Implemented multi-class classification with multinomial deviance and principle component analysis to predict on the Fashion-MNIST dataset.

  • Machine learning: CNN

    Implemented a CNN to predict on the MNIST dataset with 71% accuracy.